Hello lovelies. As I have been working hard at trying to
nail down ideas for a series of posts, the one idea that I’ve always toyed with
was featuring a person with individual style who I feel like sharing with
everyone else! I’m still trying to figure out if this series will be a
bi-monthly thing or what. However, I love meeting people with their own
personal sense of style and who knows who they are, what they like and how they
like it. I have met some very interesting people in the Cleveland area thanks
to events from fashion school and work, and I still look every Sunday in the
Plain Dealer to see who they feature as the stylish Clevelander of the week. So
without further ado, meet my first spotlight guest, Adam Hurt!
Adam is one of my older brother’s best friends. He and all
that know him refer to Adam at the “fatman.” Fatman loves cars. So much in fact
that he and a couple close friends (my bro included) are founder of “Fatmans Invasion” which is a
huge yearly gathering of car people and their cars at a location where
thousands of people cruise in, hang out and have fun (seriously, its huge,
google it). Besides his famous beard, Adam’s trademark is his loud and colorful
sense of style. I’ve only spent a little time with him, but from that time
alone I can tell you that he is someone who has fun and doesn’t care what other
people think. When I saw him last and complimented him on his sick tri-color
Nike dunks, he said “life’s too short man, just have fun”. His non-apologetic
attitude, sense of humor, and quirky personality are just as colorful as his many
printed and colored clothes, which he gets from Loudmouth Golf clothing
company. I chose to feature him as the first stylish guest because once in a while we all need a reminder to have fun and be ourselves.