Life well dressed

2016 in Review!

Dec 30, 2016

I cannot believe it's already another New Year! I feel like it was just the beginning of summer! Crazy how when you get older, time really does fly. 

2016 to me is like the equivalent of a fuckboy: starts off promising, starts to mess with you, then drags you through emotional high and lows until you have enough and block his ass for good only to get the “you up?” text three months later (I’ve had some practice with that one this year). This year for me has probably been the biggest in terms of personal changes and growth. I ended a six-year long relationship, moved out on my own for the first time, entered the new dating field, met some new friends, started a side business, learned how to be happy and solely dependent on myself, upped my beauty game, rescued a kitty, and admittingly, became somewhat of a savage when it comes to confidence and doing what’s best for me (cue Meghan Trainor’s song ‘No’).
I know people have been saying this year has been the worst, but really it hasn’t. I was blessed this year with many things along with having my solid support system of family and friends by my side. So many changes this year that were disguised as blessings I may not have knew about until later. Besides that, I mean hello Cavs! Indians in World Series? Yes Cleveland!! 
My hopes for 2017 is a few things: I want to speak up more. So many times I find myself biting my tongue to avoid confrontation but then I realize that this generation is so damn sensitive anyways, it doesn’t really matter. If something is wrong/bad/unfair and it affects me, I will say something. Another thing I want to do is really focus on branding my blog and taking it to a new high. While free sponsored merchandise and monetary compensation are great, I really just want to get my name out and connect with other great small businesses and creative people in the Cleveland area. Styling is my thing, but there’s more to my vision than that. And of course, the usual blessings for health, safety and happiness with my family and friends along with peace for the world is my wish for this New Year.
What are some things you are looking forward to doing in the New Year? Here’s to health, happiness & peace.